The Bäby spinner


This guy will spin your fluid art to a different level.

It is . It looks the same just smaller, lower and cuter. Also quieter. It spins and spins and spins and spins….

The size is perfect for small to medium sized canvasses. It has a low profile and the compact size will fit easily into your puppy pool. The diameter is 22 inches all together. That means, from a coaster to a 16x20 you can spin anything. Turn your substrate and a 20x20 fits on it. It’s not super convenient but the spinner can support an infinite length as long as one side is 16 inches and smaller.

In this model you can’t take the arms off but it’s still so compact, you can just slide it under your bed or in a drawer. Maybe clean it first…

We are talking about a handmade spinner, German engineered and American made on the central coast of California by myself. If you need a different size, please give me a holler and we will figure it out.

Make sure you’ll get one of these cuties

Shipping inside the US is included

the current waitimg time is 5-7 days until shipping

To the Cart

This is how it spins. and spins. and spinns…..